Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grapes of Wrath: Turtle

All the turtle wants to do is cross the road and be free. As he's making his way across, a car stands to speed up the road, a Sedan that is. It doesn't see the turtle until the last split second and veers off to the side almost crushing the turtle. Even if it were to hit it, I don't think that it would have crushed the turtle, since his shell is extremely tough to shatter. He continues on his way across the street, when another car speeds down the road. This time though, the car tries to hit the turtle. Nicking the side of the shell, the turtle spins out of control, popping it's head and legs back into the shell for protection.
Good thing that the turtle has a hard exterior shell, that's almost indestructible. The slow movement of the turtle gives off the view that this turtle acts like an old person trying to get somewhere. Turtles have been around for many years, hundreds, maybe even thousands and millions. They can make it through anything that comes their way.

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